‘Titanic Tales’ Project Presents Tremendous Opportunity For Businesses Around Westmeath

This is the cover of Titanic Tales, written and illustrated by the pupils of Saint Brigid’s School in Mullingar. The book will contain stories for children about things that could have… but probably didn’t… happen on The Titanic, as it traversed across The Atlantic Ocean. Some of the stories are funny, some are heartfelt, some are fact-based, and others are wonderfully surreal and imagination tingling. Here is one by Latisha…

I performed this story for a group of small children in Portlaoise Library at Halloween. They seemed completely enraptured throughout. I was very thankful to Latisha when I met her a few days later, because it can be tricky to find supernatural stories for younger kids, that have just the right amount of spookiness, without being too nightmare inducing. Latisha’s was pretty much perfect - a little scary, a little silly, and topped off with a happy ending.

Now, for any football fans out there, here is story about Liverpool Football Club taking on the might of Manchester United on the deck of The Titanic…

The pupils have had loads of fun working together to create this outstanding book. Their teachers, Special Needs Assistants, The School Principal, the pupils themselves, and myself, think it would be wonderful to produce printed copies of this book to share and sell locally. That’s why we are inviting businesses in and around Westmeath to contribute financially to this project. If we can gather enough funding, we will be able to print 500-1000 books, which can then be sold in local shops to raise money for future creative projects in the school.

Businesses that contribute can have a photo, or an image of their logo, on our THANK YOU PAGE, at the end of the book. They will also receive copies of Titanic Tales… and VIP treatment at our hopefully-soon-to-be-upcoming book launch. 🙂

This is a fantastic opportunity for business owners and managers to become part of an almighty project, and help to nurture the talents, creativity, effort, productivity, happiness and wellbeing of the members of our community at Saint Brigid’s School. .

If you are interested in being a part of The Titanic Tales Project, please contact the school using the details supplied in the letter above… and feel free to share this blog or talk about the project with anyone you think might like to be involved. 🙂🙂🙂


Sensory Stories